A Year Ago Today...
Posted on November 06 2017
If any of you are frequent users of Facebook you know that every once in a while Facebook will remind you of what you were doing (or posting) “A Year Ago Today!”
Well, I just received one such reminder – and it was a bit of a shock! I'll give you all a little background, in case you don’t know me very well.
A year ago I was living in Salem, Oregon and working as a Makeup Artist, a simple part-time “2-days-a-week” gig in a tiny little Aveda Salon – and I was extremely pregnant with my daughter (now almost 1-year-old) Audrey.

If you had told me then that a year later I would be working full time as a Pilates Teacher, and not only holding my own but thriving, I would most likely have laughed in your face!
You see, although I started my Pilates education in 2014, I had many starts and stops along the way – most of this amounted to the environment of the studios I worked at and the people who were my mentors and my client base.
To be frank, I never felt like I fit in. That feeling, coupled with some life-altering events, prevented me from completing my certification and becoming a fully fledged Pilates Teacher.
I think the warmth and the welcoming environment that I have found here in Penns Valley, and at Sense of Balance, not to mention the amazing generosity of Candace in taking up my Mentorship makes me feel like I’ve come so far in such a short amount of time.
After Candace’s hip surgery, I wasn’t sure how I was going to do as a Stand-in Pilates Instructor for so many of her long-standing clientele – but the response from you has been so warm and supportive. Candace gave me so much information to help me prepare and facilitate the individual work outs of every single one of her clients, I felt empowered both by her support and all her client's trust in me.