The Branch To Wellness

Posted on August 09 2014

Sense of Balance grew a branch this year and launched a line of Wellness products.  This growth was a natural progression to the mission of Sense of Balance which is to provide outstanding personal service in the areas of Pilates, Fitness, and Wellness coaching.

The opportunity to start my very own Wellness line with over 500 products available with my private label on it excited me every step of the way.  The six month process was absolutely worth the effort and is already proving itself to be of great value to my family, friends, and client community.

How does a Wellness line fit in with a Pilates studio?  You see, I’ve been personally training people in Pilates and Functional Fitness for over 13 years. Throughout that time I’ve listened to my client’s painful stories of injuries, surgeries, and syndromes.  My heart has always taken me beyond my trainer’s role and into helping people to find better health holistically.  I believe if the body is given the best scenario to heal naturally, it will!  My Wellness line provides the opportunity to find not only my personal support with every purchase, but also the integrity, the research, and the manufacturing of a premier supplement brand that will ensure results from your investment in your health.

Just as a Pilates practice supports the body with optimum alignment – leading to pain free living… a balanced nutritional Wellness practice including high quality therapeutic supplements supports ultimate health wealth!  

Introducing my Wellness line, which launched small scale at my Wellness seminar in February of 2014, was put on hold until I could get familiar with my products.  I began using them and allowing my community of clients and family to give me their feedback on results as well.  The positive results kept building my faith in the product line and also my momentum to share it officially with all of you!

Another criteria I had before announcing my line was a visit to the manufacturer of my private label.  I wanted to see everything that went into the formulation, production, packaging and labeling of my bottles.  It was such an education and my scientific mind was eager to learn all about it!  I watched them load bottles of Inflammove, extrude powders into solid tablets of Ultra Proteo-Zimes, and fill tubs of Whey Protein encasing them with labels.

I’m now thrilled to offer in my studio and on my website an extensive line of whole food nutritional supplements that I know can produce the health benefits you may be looking for.  I look forward to being a source for Alternative health choices.  I’ve done the research for you and will continue to do so when you make a purchase – which also makes this a unique investment ‘bonus’  in your health bank…you get ME alongside of you!   We’ll learn together which supplements best benefit you and your specific nutritional needs.

Chins up,